The Changelog: New Features to Kaakaww About
Real-Time Scan Progress: Things are getting real…time. We are now showing you the progress of your scans in real-time from the Scans and Scan Details views.
Free Developer Plan: You can now get access to all of the best features on the StackHawk platform for free! More details on that below.
New Getting Started Flow: We want to make it easy to kick-off your first scan, so you can now choose to scan your own application or Google Firing Range (a publicly available sample application).
View GraphQL Specific Data: The query and variables of your GraphQL request can now be found in the right panel of the findings view.
Scan Filtering Capabilities: Find what you’re searching for. Use multiple filters to find specific scan results and visualize scan findings in bar graphs and cards.
Start the New Year with Our Free Developer Plan

Our free Developer plan is the perfect tool to get going on your AppSec New Year’s resolution. Now anyone can have application security integrated in CI/CD to build more secure applications all year long.
And we promise, it is way easier than going to the gym.
Other Happenings: Because We Have to Keep Corporate Busy Somehow
📖 Reading Material
Sec Advent – Tooling Over Training: Scaling Application Security With Automation
Security Testing Authenticated App Routes – Part 1: Cookie Authentication
Developer-Centric Application Security Testing with DAST and SCA
📽 Virtual Events
We have wrapped all of our virtual events for 2021 with great conferences like GitHub Universe and GraphQL Galaxy in the month of December. Join us in the New Year for more great events!
StackHawk and GitLab Webinar: January 20
TestJS Summit: January 28-29
📺 HawkTalks
❤️ Give Us Some Love
Share the goodness of developer-centric application security. We are always grateful for recommendations and referrals! We’d love for you to share about StackHawk with your friends and colleagues. As always, thank you for your support!