The Changelog: New Features to Kaakaww About

Tech Flags Visibility. Get faster, more accurate scans from the get-go by enabling tech flags when you create an app. New to tech flags? Use them to fine-tune the scanner and only run tests relevant to your app.
Jira Data Center Integration. While we have been integrated with Jira Cloud for a long time, Enterprise Plan organizations can now triage scan findings with Jira Data Center. Connect with an Atlassian Jira Server or Atlassian Data Center to create or link Jira issues from StackHawk findings.
🧼 SOAP Scanning Improvements. The StackHawk scanner now includes specific scan policies and attack vector targeting for SOAP APIs, giving you fast scans with better API coverage.
Delete All the Things. Keep your StackHawk UI clean by deleting outdated or unused applications, environments, and scans.
Your Next Spike:
Automated Application and API Security Testing

You’re trying to plan your next sprint and you realize Roger is going to Greece for 10 days, Casey is going to Hawaii next week, and Julie is off to visit her in-laws. How are you going to get anything done?
Knock out a medium t-shirt size project and get going with automated application and API security testing during the summer lull.
With StackHawk you can get going with local testing on your own, and then add it into your CI/CD workflows so your whole team can be confident the code they’re shipping is secure.
Get started by signing up for a free account, and get scanning in minutes. Here are some helpful resources to get you going:
DataRobot Automates API Security Testing

What does it take to build an application and API security program that scales?
You need:
Coverage for Modern Applications
Optimization for CI/CD
Developer Centric User Experience
See how DataRobot is using StackHawk to check all of these boxes and put automated API security testing into the hands of their developers.
Other Happenings
📺 Hawk Talks
[From the Archives] Scanning REST APIs with StackHawk
📖 Reading Material
📽 Virtual Events
August 3-4: GitLab Commit
August 4: ZAPCon After Hours: Automation Framework First Look
August 4-5: Cloud-Native Days
August 12: DevSecOps SKILup Day
September 1-2: SpringOne
September 24: OWASP 20th Anniversary
💼 Jobs @ StackHawk
Developer Advocate
Head of Product Management
Account Executive
Head of Marketing
❤️ Give Us Some Love
Share the goodness of developer-centric application security. We are always grateful for recommendations and referrals! We’d love for you to share StackHawk with your friends and colleagues, or leave us a review on g2.