The Changelog: New Features to KaaKaww About

This month we released new integration capabilities that make it even easier to find and fix vulnerabilities in your existing workflows.
Enhanced Integrations View. All StackHawk users can quickly discover which integrations are configured for their environment. Navigate to the integrations tab in the StackHawk platform and look for the installed badge to see what your org is currently running.
Microsoft Teams. Stay on top of scan activity with the new MS Teams integration. StackHawk Enterprise users that run MS Teams can integrate StackHawk scan notifications into their workspace.
🪝Generic Webhooks. We are hooked! Enterprise users can send scan results as a rich JSON payload to any data management tool.
API Security Testing Guide

Leading teams are keeping their most valuable data secure through automated API vulnerability testing in CI/CD.
To help you in your search for best-in-class tooling, we have compiled an API security guide that covers types of API security testing tools, deployment methods, scan quality, and more. Read the guide and get going.
GraphQL Security Testing Learning Lab

Join StackHawk Senior DevOps engineer Zachary Conger and get ready for some Graph! Zachary will be leading an interactive session that goes over how to keep your GraphQL protected from security vulnerabilities with automated security testing.
Tune into this hands-on learning lab and follow along as we test an intentionally vulnerable GraphQL API, and go over how to find and fix vulnerabilities in CI/CD.
Other Happenings: Because We Have to Keep Corporate Busy Somehow
📺 HawkTalks
💻 Webinars
June 29: GraphQL Security Testing Workshop
📖 Reading Material
[From the Archives] Prometheus Metrics with SpringBoot + GRPC Services
📽 Virtual Events
June 9: JSNation Live
June 12: B Sides SATX
June 19: AppSec Pacific Northwest
June 23: DevSecCon 24
June 24: INS1GHTS
June 23: cdCon
💼 Jobs @ StackHawk
Java Engineer - Scanning Technology
Software Engineer - Scanning Technology
Director of Product Management
Developer Advocate
❤️ Give Us Some Love
Share the goodness of developer-centric application security. We are always grateful for recommendations and referrals! We’d love for you to share StackHawk with your friends and colleagues, or leave us a review on g2.