StackHawk and Snyk first teamed up to build a best-in-class Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) and Static Application Security Testing (SAST) integration. This technical integration was born from the idea that enabling engineering teams with the right tooling and processes to work within developer ecosystems helps improve how teams can find and fix security vulnerabilities prior to deploying to production.
More about our best-in-class integration here:
But it takes more than a technical integration and a streamlined sales process to make a strong, long lasting partnership. So what are the keys to the success that StackHawk and Snyk have found?
It really comes down to two things: Market-Driven Momentum and Developer-First Cultures.
Market-Driven Momentum
Snyk has done an amazing job paving the way for developer-first application security testing with SAST and StackHawk’s DAST is a perfect complement. We make it easy to correlate findings from a Snyk Code test, enabling teams to better prioritize fixes and helping to streamline API and application security testing.
With this joint solution, we’ve seen significant interest and enthusiasm from a variety of customers spanning different industries. Many are looking to shift application security left, while bridging the gap between developers and AppSec teams to drive efficiencies and accelerate go-to-market strategies. Others are looking to displace legacy vendors, which are not typically user (i.e. developer) friendly, have significantly slower scan times, and can’t keep pace with modern software architecture and tools.
StackHawk and Snyk were both created for modern apps and teams with the ability to find and fix security bugs in microservices, any type of API, and modern development languages.
Developer-First Cultures
The other key to our successful partnership is the fact that StackHawk and Snyk share similar cultures and philosophies - with developers and development teams at the center of everything we do.
Developer-first security testing isn’t just a tagline from our website - it’s at the core of everything we do as a company and through our partnership with Snyk. We believe that Developers should be equipped with the information and tools they need to fix vulnerabilities quickly and get back to feature development. And when two companies partner together and truly align on a common mission, it can be really powerful.
The StackHawk and Snyk Difference
Since the launch of our integration, we’ve continued to find new and exciting ways to partner with the Snyk team to better meet the needs of engineering and AppSec teams of every size. We’re thrilled to announce a new stage in our partnership enabling Snyk to sell StackHawk DAST to their customers.
“Snyk and StackHawk bring developer-first perspectives to application security through their modern approach to SAST and DAST. Together, we’re able to provide customers with an automated, scalable approach to securing applications in the pipeline, before shipping to production.” said Carey Stanton, SVP, Business Development. “We’re excited to strengthen our partnership with StackHawk, offering a seamless approach to building a strong security posture through application security.”
Allowing customers to purchase StackHawk through Snyk not only simplifies the purchase and procurement process, but also accelerates the time to value for customers looking to purchase a complete set of application security tooling.
For more information about StackHawk and Snyk, visit: