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More API calls;
More Problems

API Discovery Integrations

In a world where more than 70% of all Internet traffic is API calls, APIs are now a more common attack vector to sensitive data.

We can process 1,000 code repos in less than 15 minutes surfacing where your APIs are and who last touched them. Average results for our customers look like this: of 300 repos, 100 contain APIs and applications that should be tested. Most were only testing 10.

TL;DR: We discover APIs via code unlike others who don't do discovery at all.

API Discovery Integrations

How StackHawk Stacks Up

Discover Shadow APIsPartial

Yes, if you know where they are


Yes, if you know where they are


Yes, if you know where they are


Yes, if you know where they are

Discover Zombie APIs
Discover Rest APIs
Discover gRPC APIs
Discover GraphQL APIs
Discover Pre-Release APIs
Discover Internal APIs
Discover B2B APIs
Track APIs to Correct Dev Team Owners
Start Discovery without Infrastructure or Process Changes
Test to Identify Vulnerabilities Prior to Production

Yes, but hard to use

Monitor API Production Traffic
Create API Spec from Production TrafficPartial

Lacks detail for in-depth testing


Lacks detail for in-depth testing


Lacks detail for in-depth testing


Lacks detail for in-depth testing

Security Starts with
The ability to find all this is what we call API discovery. Others say they do it, but they don’t actually do discovery — they do API monitoring. Some of our customers used to do this discovery work manually, like James. It took him a year to map repositories, sitting down with engineering leaders, mapping who was responsible and what should be tested.
API Discovery is
Inventory is a basic need of API security. StackHawk API Discovery is available for free! Get started today.
An AI Experience You Can Trust
We will never send customer data or code to third-parties or use customer data to train LLMs. All data is processed internally within StackHawk's secure systems and with our selected AI vendor.