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Get up and running in less than an hour. Build the config file and then $ docker run hawkscan to find your security bugs.
Discover every API in your attack surface
Centralized API & Application Security Management
Automate application and API security testing in CI/CD workflows
Move beyond GLBA and SOX checkboxes
Test early, test often, and deliver secure applications
Application security at the speed of DevOps
Ship secure APIs with automated testing in CI/CD
Scale application security through engineering
Testing for OWASP top 10, automated in CI/CD
Check for GraphQL vulnerabilities on every pull request
Keep your gRPC services secure with automated security testing
Change.org Brings in Dev-First Security Solutions to Improve Security Posture
One Medical Automates Application Security Testing with StackHawk
FinTech leader secures Fortune 100 customer data with StackHawk's shift-left API security
Breathe Life Deploys StackHawk and Snyk for a Dev-Centric Application Security Program
Learn how to start scanning your application or API
Explore the StackHawk API and start integrating today
Integrate with the most popular developer tools
Identify, investigate, and triage security bugs in one place
Effectively scan authenticated routes and API endpoints in your application
The Shift-Left Maturity Model
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Today’s environment of incremental changes deployed frequently requires a different approach to application security testing. Penetration tests and scheduled production scans no longer cut it. DevSecOps requires automated testing in CI/CD, notifying developers when they have introduced a new vulnerability, and equipping them for self-services fixes.
Application Security Automated in CI/CD
Application Security Should be Automated in CI/CD
What to Look for in Dynamic Application Security Testing Tools
Want to see automated security testing in action?