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Dynamic Application Security Testing

Purpose-built for modern engineering teams

StackHawk is the only dynamic application security testing solution that was built to bridge the trust gap between AppSec and Developers to deliver more secure software faster. Focused on runtime and pre-production application security testing, StackHawk gives teams the ability to actively run security testing as part of their CI/CD workflows.

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The StackHawk Difference

StackHawk’s deliberate approach to developer focused application security testing helps organizations improve their security posture by eliminating operational inefficiencies, accelerating security-tested releases, and managing risk appropriately.

StackHawk’s deliberate approach to developer focused application security testing helps organizations improve their security posture by eliminating operational inefficiencies, accelerating security-tested releases, and managing risk appropriately.

Shift Security Left
with Automated DAST Scanning

Scheduled application security scans of production environments no longer cut it. DevSecOps requires DAST scanning that is automated in the CI/CD pipeline. StackHawk is purpose-built to run in the DevOps pipeline, ensuring your team has eyes on any new vulnerabilities before they hit production.


Scale AppSec with automation and existing Developer resources

Scale AppSec with automation and existing Developer resources

Run in ANY CI/CD

Run in CI/CD where existing software development takes place

Find, Triage and FIX

Proactively find, triage, and fix bugs before production with automated API security testing

Dev-First AppSec

Built for engineers to own the initial triage and fix security issues

Reliably Test
Applications and APIs

Application architecture has advanced over the past decade, requiring application security testing that is built for scanning microservices, APIs, traditional, and single-page applications. With StackHawk, you can align your DAST testing with your architecture for better performance and faster fixes.


Exhaustively test REST, SOAP, GraphQL, and gRPC APIs

Exhaustively test REST, SOAP, GraphQL, and gRPC APIs


Run scans in parallel with existing build tools for increased performance

Run scans in parallel with existing build tools for increased performance


Utilize your existing test data to match your endpoints


Create custom test scripts to cover specific scenarios for your application

Ship Safer Code

Safeguard applications with depth of scan and API testing as part of software testing best practices

Happy Engineers,
Scaled AppSec Teams

Legacy DAST solutions focus on giving Security teams the tools to test for vulnerabilities in production, which introduces disruptions to Developer workflows and delays shipping code. With StackHawk’s modern approach to DAST, Developers can write secure software faster, and Security teams can scale at the speed of software being deployed.

Build, Test AND Scale

Build security testing into software best practices and lean on developer expertise to scale security testing workflows


Automate application and API testing within CI/CD workflows

Trust and Verify

Trust and verify for faster fixes


Seamlessly run scans every time code is checked in

Seamlessly run scans every time code is checked in

Built for the
Modern Engineering Stack

Rolling out DevSecOps within an organization requires security tools that fit into existing engineering workflows. From scan kickoffs to finding alerts to backlog prioritization, your DAST tooling should tie in with your engineering stack. StackHawk was built for teams that deploy software every day.

Integrates into Your Workflow

Automate with CI/CD pipeline integrations

Automate with CI/CD pipeline integrationsAutomate with CI/CD pipeline integrations


Manage findings in existing ticketing systems and application security testing on every PR


Runs anywhere, on any platform and is language agnostic

How Does Your DAST Stack Up?

Whether you are implementing dynamic application security testing for the first time or are evaluating against existing systems, make sure you are using modern DAST tooling.


Legacy Vendors



Automated Authenticated Scanning

Red Circle with x

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Server-side HTML Application Testing

Green circle with checkmark

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Single Page Application Testing

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SOAP API Testing

Green circle with checkmark

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gRPC Testing

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REST API Testing

Yellow Circle with exclamation point

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GraphQL Testing

Yellow Circle with exclamation point

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Technology Specific API Scan Configs

Red Circle with x

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Optimized for Fast Scanning in CI/CD

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No Infrastructure Configuration Required

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Findings Triage and State Management

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Finding History and Documentation

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Docker-Based Scanner to Scan Anywhere

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Integrations with All Major CI/CD Tools

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User-First Web Application

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Simplified YAML Configuration

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Simplified Fixes with Docs and cURL Command Generation

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Slack Integration

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MS Teams Integration

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Jira Integration

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Datadog Integration

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OpenAPI Spec Integration for API Testing

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Red circleNot supported

Yellow circlePartially supported

Want to know how StackHawk can improve your API Security and AppSec Programs?

Schedule time with our experts for a live demo.

Schedule time with our experts for a live demo.

Get Hands-On Experience
Give Us A Test Drive!

We know you might want to test drive a full version of security software before you talk to us. So, Get It On!